Pre Placement Refresher Courses

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Campus Interviews

Campus Placements/ Campus Recruitment drives are conducted in various educational institutes for providing job opportunities to the students who are pursuing their particular academic courses. Keeping in mind the importance of the campus placement programs, it is vital for a student to prepare adequately for these programs and make sure that they put their best foot forward.The main objective of the placement process is to identify the talented individuals. The criteria adopted for selection by most companies are variable in nature and selection process is as follows:

Post Placement Hand Holding

We try to understand the aspirations of every interns and offer him or her customized career-path that can lead to fulfilment of their dreams.

Internal Recuritments

We actively promote the role amongst our workforce, encouraging applications. There are various ways you can promote a role to your existing workforce. Some of the most popular ways include:

Resourcing Contracts

We provide employees on a contract basis depending upon your requirements for Software Development, Mobile Apps developer or IT infrastructure resources. The contract can be a short term or long term basis depending on the deal. The candidate is made sure to be of the right fit for the project.The process is governed by our team of technology experts and they make sure you have the right candidate for the job.

Short Term Placements

For people wanting a meaningful work and cultural experience in a short time. Do you have a summer holiday or year out coming up and want to add some professional work experience to your CV? We have fantastic options for you:

Part time Assignments (WFH)

An increasing number of people are ditching the 9 to 5 drill and the gig economy is undeniably at an all-time high.

The question no longer swings between to do or not to do. It has rightfully shifted to - what are the best work from home jobs in India?

The earnings from these best work from home jobs in India depend on you. As it is in direct proportion to your capabilities, you know where your focus should be:

Training Opportunities

Work-based training allows new starters to gain experience with an employer while they are learning, overcoming the familiar catch-22 of "no experience, no job" that jobseekers often face when they first try to find work.

With some work-based training, trainees will be employed from the very beginning.

Training Features: